This API Call returns summarized information about all the offers that you have been approved to promote.
In order to better serve requests for My Offers, the same user is not allowed to make more than one such API Call per minute.
HTTP method: GET
Returns: json array of objects
Each JSON object contains the following properties:
• id: [string] the offer's id that is unique across the minimob platform
• name: [string] the name of the offer
• targetedCountries: [string] the list of countries in which the offer can be served (country codes as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
• payout: [double] the monetary compensation per each goal achieved as defined by the payout model
• payoutCurrency: [string] the currency of the payout (currency codes as per ISO 4217)
• payoutModel: [string] the model on which the payout is based (currently CPI only is supported)
• targetPlatform: [string] the mobile operating system that is targeted
• overallConversionCap: [nullable int] the remaining conversion cap until the expiration of the offer
• dailyConversionCap: [nullable int] the remaining conversion cap until the end of the current day
• weeklyConversionCap: [nullable int] the remaining conversion cap until the end of the current week
• monthlyConversionCap: [nullable int] the remaining conversion cap until the end of the current month
• incentivized: [string] a textual description regarding whether the offer is Incentivized
• storeName: [string] the name of the store through which the application is distributed
• qualityScore: [nullable double] An index indicative of the reliability of the offer (the higher the better), which is calculated based on a proprietary ranking algorithm developed by the minimob development team