Offers listed under ‘My Offers’ are the offers for which the publisher’s request has been approved and which the specific publisher can therefore promote.
You can sort or filter the list. The filtering options include:
• Platform
• Country
• Store
• Traffic Type
• Cap Status – where you can select to view: only offers whose cap has already been reached, or only those whose cap has not been reached, or all of them
• Offer Status – where you can select to view: only Active offers, only Inactive offers or all of them
• Clicks
• Conversions
You can also:
• Click on the name of an offer in the list to view more detailed information about a particular offer, such as GEOs, payout, description, CAPs and other restrictions offer might have. At the ‘Creatives’ tab, you can download one-by-one the available creatives for the offer.
• Click on the offer’s consolidated quality score to view the respective quality score per country.